Single Block: Single Block Mode executes part program block by block.Single block mode is implemented to toggle On/Off with press of button.Pressing the single block switch starts the single block mode. When the cycle start button is pressed in the single block mode, the tool stops after executing a single block in the program. Check the program in the single block mode by executing the program block by block.5.1.2
Block Delete: Skip execution of program Block (/). Multi level Block Skip is not supported. Block Delete is implemented to toggle On/Off with press of button.
Optional Stop: Option Stop is implemented to toggle On/Off with press of button. Executing program will stop at M01 when option stop button is On. Operator needs to push CYCLE START button to restart the program. It does not affect the program when the option stop button is Off.
Program Stop: Program Stop indicator LED is lit when part program execution is stopped by M00 or M01 part program.
Machine Lock: Machine Lock (Test Mode) enables execution of part program without axis motion, but M/S/T command still is able to execute. This button is for test purposes. Machine lock is implemented to toggle On/Off with press of button.
Dry Run: This feed rate forces program federate to fixed “dry run” rate to speed non-cutting testing of part programs. Dry Run is implemented to toggle On/Off with press of button except AUTO and REMOTE mode. If the machine is in AUTO or REMOTE mode, operator can turn On DRY RUN by pressing FUNC + DRY RUN buttons and turn it Off by pressing DRY RUN button.