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CNC Machine Axis

 CNC machine axis show in Picture above 

Communication cable Detail JA41 - JA7B

 Encoder cable connection show in Picture above 

Sparkonix machine Circuit Digram


Fanuc Total Connection Diagram

Fanuc control total connection show in Picture above 

Meaning of Connector number

 Meaning of connector ( Fanuc control) number show in Picture above 

Fanuc PMC Backup Procedure

1. CNC Machines display Should be OFF
2. Insert the Compact disc card /Memory card  on the side of the display
3. Press the 6 and 7 numbers key and turn on the cnc machine power 
4. Wait until the system monitor main menu  screen appears
5. After appears system monitor main menu press down key and select SYSYEM DATA SAVE then press Yes key
6. Too many program will appears in screen
7. Now press page down key and find PMC1 then after press select PMC1 and press Yes key
8. Wait until PMC1 backup Complete massage appears 
9.After appears backup Complete massage press down key and select END then after press Yes
10. Now PMC1 backup Completed and CNC screen will appears


Type of Circuit Breakers


Types of Circuit breakers show in Picture above 

Construction of MCB


Construction of MCB show in Picture above 

Siemens S7 300/400 PLC program uploading procedure



There are two methods for uploading. The first is when you have the original project and you want to preserve the symbols and comments. The second method, when you don't have the original project, will upload everything from the CPU but will have no associated documentation (i.e. symbols and comments).

Uploading to an Existing Project

With the existing project open, select the View > Online menu item.

This is the same as the Online button on the icon bar.

This will open up another window called the Online Partner. It shows the existing blocks inside the CPU. The Online version is indicated by the highlighted title bar.

There is a connection between these two versions so that uploading from the online partner makes sure to preserve all the symbols and comments. Be careful. After uploading, make sure to close the online partner and do all work from the offline version.

To upload individual blocks, select them in the Online view and choose the PLC > Upload to PG menu item. For a full upload, select the Block folder and do the same.

Upload without an Existing Project

Follow these steps when you do not have the original project but wish to upload the program for backup purposes. With an existing project open or a new blank project select the PLC > Upload Station to PG… menu selection.

In the next screen, fill in the slot the CPU is in (this is always 2 for S7-300) and the node address of the communication port on the CPU. In the case below we are talking to a CPU over MPI with node address 10.

After clicking OK, the whole contents of the PLC including all blocks and hardware configuration will be uploaded into a new station in the project.

While this project contains no documentation, it can be used as a backup to download later if needed.

Siemens S7 300/400 PLC program downloading procedure



First, in order to enable the download menu commands, you must select the Block folder in the project's station you wish to download.

There are three methods of downloading.

  1. Partial download of selected blocks
  2. Full download of all blocks and system data
  3. Complete deletion of online PLC blocks and then downloading of all blocks and system data

Partial Download

Partial downloads are used in existing projects where only one or more blocks will be downloaded. To perform this type of download select the block(s) you wish to download and then select the PLC > Download menu item or the download button .

Holding down the Ctrl key or the Shift key allows more then one block to be selected at a time. Be careful though as the order of download will occur in the order that the blocks were selected. This may mean that an error will occur if a block is called before it is downloaded.

The CPU will need to be in Stop mode before downloading the System Data Block (SDB) as this is equivalent to a hardware configuration download. This is usually not necessary in a PLC that has all ready had its hardware configured. If you do download the system data, the following messages will prompt you through the transitions.

If the CPU is in Run mode then you will be prompted to Stop the CPU. The software will do the Run to Stop transition when you click OK.

After downloading the SDB you will be prompted to Run the CPU again.

Clicking Yes will automatically put the CPU back into run mode.

Full Download

To download all the blocks at once make sure you are in the Block folder and select the Edit > Select All menu item. Click on the Download icon . You will be prompted to overwrite any existing blocks and if you want to load the system data (see above).

Clearing the CPU Memory and then Downloading

The partial and full download methods above will overwrite existing blocks but will not any blocks from memory. In order to completely delete the existing program in the CPU and download a new project select the Blocks folder and then use the PLC > Download User Program to Memory Card menu item.

The following dialog box will pop up prompting you about the deletion of all the blocks and project data in the PLC. Click Yes to perform the operation.

After this, follow the normal download procedure.

Siemens S7 300/400 PLC communication

Checking Communications

With the programming cable plugged in, you can check for proper operation by clicking on the Accessible Nodes icon.

If communications are successful, you'll see a window pop up similar to the one below. If so, then close the Accessible Nodes window and proceed to the download or upload section.

If communication fails then you will receive a message like below.

This indicates that the cable is not in the right computer port or the cable is not plugged in properly.

Setting the PG/PC Interface

In order to start communication to the PLC you will need to match the "PG Interface" setting with the programming cable and protocol. To do this, select the menu Options > Set PG/PC Interface.

The following dialog box will open up displaying all the different interfaces (i.e. communication drivers).

Each cable has its own interface. For Ethernet select the TCP/IP interface for your computers network card. Be careful not to select your wireless Ethernet connection.

To get it working quickly it is best to select the interface with the Auto designation. This will discover working settings and use them automatically.

For the PC Adapter click on the Properties button and make sure the Station Parameters Address is a unique network address. It should not conflict with existing PLC and slave devices on the network. Also, check under the Local Connection tab and make sure connection selection matches the port the cable is connected into.

Once the proper interface is selected and the properties are set then click OK and use the Accessible Nodes window to check for successful communications. It should work. If not double-check the connection and cable. With the CP5512 and PC Adapter cables, you should use the MPI port, as this is the default connection for Siemens.

If this doesn't work then I don't know what to tell you.

Programming Cables for siemens S7 300/400 PLC

There are three major types of programming cables:

1. The CP5512 card in a PCMCIA slot.

2. The PC Adapter using a serial or USB connection

3. An Ethernet cable

The CP5512 card and the PC Adapter can communicate on either an MPI or PROFIBUS port.Note that PROFIBUS is labeled as DP on the Siemens connection ports.

Siemens PLC S7 introduction


Siemens makes several PLC product lines in the SIMATIC S7 family. They are: S7-200, S7-300, and S7-400. Siemens Step 7 is a powerful integrated software solution for automation.

Types of Siemens PLC

Compact:- I/O number fixed.

Modular :- I/O can be as per selection.

Types of PLC

S5-STEP5 – DOS base system.

S7-STEP7 – WINDOWS base system.

STEP-7 Groups

(STEP – Siemens Technical Education Program)

1) S7 200 :-

Compact Type PLC.

Use for small scale industry.

CPU Available – CPU 212 to CPU 226.

Digital I/O Capacity – 256.

Analog I/O Capacity- 38.

Programming software – micro win.

Communication Driver – PPI (Point to Point interface).

2) S7 300 :-

Compact and Modular type PLC

Use for Small and Medium Scale industry.

CPU Available – CPU 312 to CPU 318.

Digital I/O Capacity – 1024.

Analog I/O Capacity- 256

Programming software – Simatic Manager.

3) S7 400 :-

Modular Type PLC.

 Use for Large Scale industry.

DP Port Available.

CPU Available – CPU 412 to CPU 418.

Digital I/O Capacity – 16384.

Analog I/O Capacity- 4000.

Programming software – Simatic Manager

Siemens PLC Hardware

PS : – Power Supply.

CPU:- Central Processing Unit.

IM:- Interface Module.

SM:- Signal Module(I/O modules).

Bus Connector Rack (rail): – Eleven slot rail.

CP:- Communication Processors.

FM:- Function Module.

IM – Interface Module:-

Interface Module use to connect or interface one rack to another rack.

SM – Signal Module (I/O modules):-

Simple Input/output can be Interfaced with through Signal Module.

CP – Communication Processors:-

Communication Processor used in Networking Communication Between many processors or plc.

FM – Function Module:-

Special Purpose controlled like PID, CNC, position controller, Cam controller can be interfaced to PLC through FM cards.

CPU memory Organization

CPU memory divided in blocks:-

OB -Organization Block(OB1-main block)

FC -Functions(Subroutine -user defined)

FB -Functional Block(defining function)

DB -Data Block(creating memory data)

Types of CPU Memory:-

Load memory:- User program stored, capacity can be changed by MMC up to 256k.

Work memory:-Instructions required program execution.

System memory:-Timer, Counter, memory bits, Process Image Memory, buffer diagnostics.

Communication Protocols :-

1) RS232 :- Bound rate 19,200 bits/sec. maximum length 10m. connector nine pin delta.

2)DH485:- Data Highway,32node components, bus rate 19,200 bit/sec. Maximum length 4000 feet (1.2 km) connector RJ 45 (radio jack).

3)MPI :- multi Point interface bound rate 1.5 mbps default,187.5 kbps, no of maximum nodes 32, network length 4000 ft, MPI use for PLC programming, inter CPU Communication, Scada/HMI communication.

4) Profibus:- Process field bus, Bound Rate 12 mbps, no of maximum nodes 126, network length 4000 ft, Profibus also used for remote I/Os and drives Communication.

Siemens 840D soft limit parameters


DB31,...DBX12.2/12.3 second software limit minus /plus  for plc users 

Hydraulic oil grades

ISO VG – ISO Grade (where ISO is the International Standards Organisation) – the higher the VG number the more viscous the fluid is. The VG number tells you which hydraulic oil is thicker. This is sometimes referred to as the hydraulic oil weight. At the same time, grades with a W next to them indicate the weight (Unlike automobile engine oil which refers to winter oil).

AGMA Grade – American Gear Manufacturers Association – Leaders in the standards of gear oils.

SAE – Society of Automotive Engineers

In the UK, ISO VG is used mainly for grading hydraulic oil. Below is a list of common hydraulic oil ISO grades and a general guide to their applications:

%tick% ISO 100 Hydraulic Oil – ISO VG 100 Hydraulic Fluid tends to be used in industrial machinery with heavy loads.

%tick% ISO 15 Hydraulic Oil – ISO VG 15 Hydraulic Fluid is typically used in power steering and hydraulic brake systems.

%tick% ISO 22 Hydraulic Oil – ISO VG 22 Hydraulic Fluid is generally used in airlines for air tools etc.

%tick% ISO 32 Hydraulic Oil – ISO VG 32 Hydraulic Fluid is ideal for use in high-powered machine tools.

%tick% ISO 46 Hydraulic Oil – ISO VG 46 Hydraulic Fluid is normally required for industrial plant working under high-pressure etc.

%tick% ISO 68 Hydraulic Oil – ISO VG 68 Hydraulic Fluid is designed for use in systems which require a large load-carrying ability.

Hydraulic fluid properties

The properties and characteristics of any hydraulic oil are vitally important to the capability of your hydraulic system to work within the operating conditions you need to use it in. This is especially true of industrial or commercial hydraulic oils. So, for a hydraulic oil to be useful it needs to have the below properties:


Thermally stable, within a range of operating temperatures

Fire resistance

Non-corrosive to its system

Anti-wearing to its system

Low tendency to cavitate

Tolerance to water (resistance to water contamination)

Total water rejection

Constant viscosity, regardless of temperature

Long life


The contents of hydraulic oil

Hydraulic oil is made from a variety of different ingredients, with one base fluid. These ingredients can often be mixed depending on the type of oil you require.

Generally speaking, hydraulic liquids are made up of:

Mineral oil






Some other chemicals which are hard to pronounce!

What is hydraulic oil?

Hydraulic oil is a non-compressible fluid that is used to transfer power within hydraulic machinery and equipment. Otherwise known as hydraulic fluid, hydraulic oil can be synthetic- or mineral-based.

How do hydraulic systems work?

 The key role of hydraulic oil in a hydraulic system is to transfer power from one end of that system to another end through and the various hydraulic components.

When an external force is applied to the non-compressible hydraulic fluid – usually from a piston within a cylinder – the oil is pushed through the hydraulic system and ultimately produces a force on another part of the system. This results in a movement or action.

Usually applying force to material results in compression, so you may be wondering whether hydraulic oil is compressible or not, but a key property of hydraulic fluids is that they must be non-compressible.

‘Non-compressible’ means that the fluid cannot be compressed. Liquids are compressible to some degree, but it is incredibly negligible and not considered for our guide. In contrast, gases are compressible, and so are not used in hydraulics.

Hydaulic Cylinder

 A hydraulic cylinder is a linear actuator used for creating a mechanical force in a straight line either through pushing or pulling. A tube, a piston and ram, two end caps, and suitable oil seals are the basic components required for hydraulic cylinder construction. The tube will be having finished interior and hard chrome-plated piston rods are commonly used for avoiding pitting and scoring. Seals and wipers are attached on the end caps for eliminating contaminants and preventing leakages. 

Hydraulic Cylinder Types

Single acting cylinders, double acting cylinders, tie-rod, welded rod, and telescopic are important cylinder types.

1. Single Acting Cylinders

The head end port of these cylinders will operate in a single direction. When the fluid gets pumped into the cylinder barrel, it will extend the piston rod. For generating the return operation(convert to non-pressurized state), a load string or any external force is required. Here, on applying energy, the fluid will drain from barrel to the reservoir. A hydraulic jack is an example of a single acting cylinder. Spring-extend and spring-return are the two types of single acting hydraulic cylinder. The spring-extend, single acting cylinders are used for holding workpieces for a long time. A hydraulic pressure released brake is an example of this type. The commonly used variety of single acting cylinder is spring-return(material handling applications).

2. Double Acting Cylinders

In double acting cylinders, both the head and rod ends contain ports for pumping fluids. These ports will control the flow of fluid and provide movement in both directions. Pumping hydraulic fluid to the rod end will retract the piston rod and pumping fluid to the head end will extend the piston rod. Most of the raising and lowering devices are applications of this type. The opening and closing drawers of presses and chippers is a good example of double acting cylinders. Differential and synchronous types are the two categories of double acting cylinders

3. Tie-Rod Cylinders

Most of the industrial and manufacturing applications use tie-rod cylinders. The advantages of the tie-rod cylinder include ease of maintenance, repair, and assembling. For holding the end caps of tie rod cylinders, threaded steel rods are used. These end caps will prevent fluid leakages. Depending on the applications, it can use 4 to 20 tie rods.

4. Welded Rod Cylinders

This type of cylinders weld end caps directly to the barrel. So, they are difficult for assembling and disassembling. The compact construction, internal bearing lengths and duty cycle of welded rod cylinders make it suitable for mobile applications.

5. Telescopic Cylinders

This is a single or double acting cylinder. Telescopic cylinder contains more than five tubings nested inside each other. These nested tubings are called stages and the diameter of each nested tube will become lesser.

CNC machine specifications


Lathe Machine Parts

Lathe machine has different parts, and the following are the details of these lathe parts:


The headstock is a part of a lathe machine equipped with other essential lathe components such as gear speed control levers, chucks, spindles, and feed controllers. On the lathe machine, the headstock is located on the left side. It is considered one of the fundamental lathe machine parts.


The tailstock is also known as a foot stock. Without question, it has become an essential part of the lathe machine. Generally speaking, the tailstock is used to secure the work holding accessories and provide the workpiece with support in different operations. At the same time, tailstock can also be used as a cutting tool to perform standard hole-making functions.


The bed can be a foundation of all other turning parts associated with the lathe machine. In simple words, it is a foundation with which other lathe components such as carriage rails, headstock, and tailstock are bolted or attached.


Carriage is between the tailstock and headstock as a foundation to many other lathe components such as saddle, apron, cross slide, tool post, and compound rest.

Lead Screw

Lead screw plays a vital role in getting your desired threading operation done. Essentially, it is used to move the carriage automatically while performing the threading.

Feed Rod

Feed rods offer a much similar operation to a lead screw. It makes possible the left to right and right to left movement of the carriage.

Chip Pan

Chip pan collects the chips of metal produced during the cutting process on the lathe machine.


The handwheel is used to slide different turning components such as tailstock, cross slide, carriage, and other elements associated with the lathe machine.

Simultaneously, as far as types of lathe machine are concerned, it is commonly divided into three types: Turret Lathe, Special Purpose Lathe, and Engine Lathe.

Hydraulic Chuck & Hydraulic Tailstock

Hydraulic chucks remain functional when it comes to holding workpieces during turning on CNC. Moreover, special chucks are also used for the parts whose clamping part does not possess a cylindrical shape. Other than that, for processing features with a more significant axial-to-radial ratio, a live center supports the other end of the workpiece to ensure suitable processing. For the record, this liver center is mounted on the hydraulic tailstock.

CNC Lathe Tool Holder

Mainly, there are two types of tool holders of lathe machines:

Special Tool Holders are usually used for specialized operations developed by the lathe manufacturer for the particular tool post. Even though such a tool holder yields lower costs, it misses the element of versatility.

General Tool Holders are manufactured considering specific generalized standards enshrined by German Engineering Association and VDI. CNC lathe manufacturers can configure as indicated by the practical requirements of CNC lathes.

Milling Powerhead

Once after installing the milling powerhead on the tool post of the CNC turning machine, the processing capacity of the CNC lathe machine becomes massively improved. For example, the milling powerhead is introduced to ease the milling process of axial grooves and axial drilling.

CNC Lathe Tools

It is crucial for CNC lathe machines or turning machining centers to design and position the tool while considering the tool holder’s structure and the number of tools to be installed. Furthermore, it is also recommended that the tool holder’s design be flexible to support a wide variety of tools. That is how not only will the expense be reduced, but it will also save time

Main Parts of CNC Lath Machines


 Parts of CNC Lath Machines

1 Bed

2. Headstock:

3. Tailstock:

4. Tailstock quill:

5. Footswitch or Pedal:

6. Chuck:

7. Control panel:

8. Tool turret:

CNC milling machine parts


The hardened part of the machine that carries all the load. All the other components are mounted over the bed. It is made of hard metal, and as the tool turret travels over this part.

 Headstock: It is the main part of the CNC machine. The workpiece is fixed on the headstock to carry out the desired operation. Also, this part has the main motor that works the main spindle.

 Tailstock: This part is to give extra grip to your workpiece during tough operations such as threading and knurling.

 Tailstock Quill: Tailstock quill helps unify the workpiece among tailstock and headstock.

 Pedal Or Foot Switch: The pedal is used to close and open the chuck while gripping the component.

 Chuck: It is present on the main spindle where you fix the workpiece for further process.

 Control Panel: This part is used to feed or set the program for working. Due to its main function in the machine, it is also called the brain of the custom CNC machining.

Difference between CNC and NC Machine

NC Machine, NC stand for numerical control, this is also an automated machine but it can understand only either binary or numeric or in alphanumeric programs.

An NC machine has


MCU (Machine Control Unit)

Machine Tools

It doesn’t have a servo mechanism there for it has no feedback system also it has no computer.

The program is typically stored in a tape with the help of special inserting device, the modification or changes in the program is a tough job in the case of NC machine.

Differences between NC and CNC.


NC stands the Numeric control machine. CNC stands Computer Numerically Control Machine.

This is not software driven. This is software driven machine.

It can not imports CAD files. It can imports CAD file and convert into part programming.

Operation parameter cannot be change. Operation parameter can be change.

It stores in Punch cards Memory. Directly stores in computer memory.

Machine cannot run continuously. This machine can run for 24 hours continuously.

Less flexibility or Computational ability. CNC machine having High.

Takes more time for executing the program. This machine takes less time as compared to NC machine.

High skill operator requires to operate NC machines. The semi-skilled operators can perform the operation on a CNC machine.

Less maintenance. High maintenance.

The maintenance cost is less. The maintenance cost is more.

Machining cost is less. Machining cost ismore.

Less Accuracy as compared to CNC Machine. Great accuracy.

Codes are Numeric, Symbol and letter only. Here the codes are G and M codes.

A single person can not perform several operations on different NC Machines. A single person can perform several operation on different CNC machine.

There no feedback system. Feedback syste

Common Codes Used in CNC Programming


   N                   Sequence Number.

    G                     Rapid Traverse.

X, Y, Z         For tool motion about X, Y, Z direction                      (Linear Motion).

      S                 Spindle Speed (Unit as per your        setting).

       F                  Feed Rate.

       T              Tool Number (i.e. Tool number 1 for facing or turning).

        M              Miscellaneous Functions.

       EOB            End of Block (End of programme).

        A, B, C        For angular direction in X, Y, and Z direction.

Elements of the CNC Machine system

 A CNC machining system is consists of the following elements:


Tape Reader


Servo system

CNC machine tool


This is entered into the computer through a keyboard. These are the codes used to control the machine.

The various CNC codes are N Code, G Code, XYZ Code, F code, etc.

Below is the table where I write all the common codes used in CNC.

Tape Reader:

This is used as a storage device where we can store the program for a particular machining operation.

Any modification of a program can easily be done by editing the existing program as per your requirement.


It is also called the machine control unit. It is to read interprets and converts perceived input, that is part program into the desired movement and controls the following functions:

To start and stop the machine spindle.

Vary the spindle speed accordingly and also it can control the direction of rotation of the spindle.

To start and stop the coolant supply.

To change the required tools as per requirements.

To change the workpiece.

To control the feed rate.

Also, the mini-computer equipped with diagnostic software which can detect any problem and restore the machine accordingly.

Servo system:

The function of the servo system is to receive the control signal from the feedback devices and the set output accordingly (To shaft, tools and other components of CNC machine)

Servo system mainly consists of:

Servo Motors

Feed-back devices

Ball screws

CNC Machine:

This is the actual machine where the finished product made. I already mentioned the parts of the CNC machine above this heading.

This is the housing of headstock, tailstock, foot switch, chuck, and tool turret.

Types of CNC Machine


CNC machines are can be classified into the following types:

CNC laser cutting machine

CNC Lathe Machine

CNC Milling Machine

CNC router Machine

CNC Plasma Cutting Machine

5- axis machine

3-D Printer

Pick and Place Machine

How CNC Machine Works?

First, the part program is inserted into the MCU of the CNC.

In MCU all the data process takes place and according to the program prepared, it prepares all the motion commands and sends it to the driving system.

The drive system works as the motion commands are sent by MCU. The drive system controls the motion and velocity of the machine tool.

The feedback system records the position and velocity measurement of the machine tool and sends a feedback signal to the MCU.

In MCU, the feedback signals are compared with the reference signals and if there are errors, it corrects it and sends new signals to the machine tool for the right operation to happen.

A display unit is used to see all the commands, programs and other important data. It acts as the eye of the machine.


It can produce jobs with the highest accuracy and precision than any other manual machine.

It can be run for 24 hours a day.

The parts produced by it have the same accuracy. There is no variation in the parts manufactured.

A highly skilled operator is not required to operate it. A semi-skilled operator can also operate accurately and more precisely.

Operators can easily make changes and improvements and reduce the delay time.

It has the capability to produce complex designs with high accuracy in minimum possible time.

The modern design software, allows the designer to simulate the manufacturer of his/her idea. And this removes the need for making a prototype or model and saves time and money.

Fewer workers are required to operate a CNC and save labor costs.


Despite of having so many advantages, It has some disadvantages too. And these are:

The cost of the CNC machine is very high as compared with a manually operated machine.

The parts of the CNC machines are expensive.

The maintenance cost in the case of CNC is quite high.

It does not eliminate the need for costly tools.

Block Diagram of CNC Machine


Main Parts of CNC Machine
The main parts of the CNC machine are

(i) Input Devices: These are the devices which are used to input the part program in the CNC machine. There are three commonly used input devices and these are punch tape reader, magnetic tape reader and computer via RS-232-C communication.

(ii) Machine Control Unit (MCU): It is the heart of the CNC machine. It performs all the controlling action of the CNC machine, the various functions performed by the MCU are

It reads the coded instructions fed into it.
It decodes the coded instruction.
It implements interpolation ( linear, circular and helical ) to generate axis motion commands.
It feeds the axis motion commands to the amplifier circuits for driving the axis mechanisms.
It receives the feedback signals of position and speed for each drive axis.
It implements the auxiliary control functions such as coolant or spindle on/off and tool change.
(iii) Machine Tool: A CNC machine tool always has a slide table and a spindle to control of the position and speed. The machine table is controlled in X and Y axis direction and the spindle is controlled in the Z axis direction.

(iv) Driving System: The driving system of a CNC machine consists of amplifier circuits, drive motors and ball lead screw. The MCU feeds the signals (i.e. of position and speed) of each axis to the amplifier circuits. The control signals are than augmented (increased) to actuate the drive motors. And the actuated drive motors rotate the ball lead screw to position the machine table.

(v) Feedback System: This system consists of transducers that act as sensors. It is also called a measuring system. It contains position and speed transducers that continuously monitor the position and speed of the cutting tool located at any instant. The MCU receives the signals from these transducers and it uses the difference between the reference signals and feedback signals to generate the control signals for correcting the position and speed errors.

(vi) Display Unit: A monitor is used to display the programs, commands and other useful data of CNC machine

Definition of CNC Machine

Let me first introduce you about what is CNC machine, so CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control. When computers are used to control a Numerical Control (NC) machine tool than the machine is called CNC machine. In other words, the use of computers to control machine tools like lathe, mills, slotter, shaper etc is called CNC machine.The cutting operations performed by the CNC is called CNC machining.

Components of a CNC system

Numerical control is described as a technique to control various functions of a machine tool with an input. CNC is a microprocessor-based system, the heart and brain of a CNC machine. Following are some of the components of a CNC system:

  • Central processing unit (CPU)
  • Input devices
  • Machine control panel
  • Programmable logic controller (PLC)
  • Servo-control unit
  • Display unit

A serial communication port is often utilized to transfer data from a computer to a CNC machine. There are international standards established for serial communications.

The CPU is where a CNC system is controlled. It receives the data stored in the memory as part program. The data is then decoded and modified into position control and velocity control signals. It oversees the movement of the spindle or control axis. An action is rectified if it does not match with the programmed data. Speed control unit works in a harmonious way with the CPU for the movement of the machine axes

Advantages of CNC machining

The manufacturing industry relies heavily on CNC machining. Following are some of the advantages of CNC machining:

  • Higher flexibility and repeatability
  • Reduced indirect costs
  • Increased productivity
  • Consistent quantity
  • Reliable operation
  • Reduced non-productive time
  • Higher accuracy
  • Reduced lead time
  • Automatic material handling

CNC control system manufacturers

Various manufacturers of CNC Control systems. These are:-

  1. Sinumerik (Siemens).
  2. Fanuc.
  3. Heidenhain.
  4. Mitsubishi

The above four are generic control system that are used by most CNC machine manufacturers. However there are some CNC machine manufacturers that have their own control systems:-

  1. Haas.
  2. Mazak.
  3. Hurco.
  4. Cincinati

High Speed Roll Die-Cutting Machine

 Before Machine Condition Pictures 

After Machine Condition Pictures 

Machine Manual