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  Figure no. 1

PMC ALARM ER97 IO LINK FAILURE ( CH1 02GROUP ) ALARMS Show in figure no. 1 

How to reset the PMC alarm ER97 ?

You can solve the problem by fit JD1A connector  in proper pot in servo drive, Show in figure no. 3

1. If we will fit the JD1A connector into the JD1B connector pot in servo drive then this type ER97 IO LINK FAILURE  ALARMS will come, Show in below figure no. 2

          Figure no. 2

2. If we will fit the JD1A connector into the JD1A connector pot in servo drive then this type ER97 IO LINK FAILURE  ALARMS will not come or alarm will restore the same, Show in below figure no. 3 

        Figure no. 3

3. Check PMM drive fuse,PMM drive should be ON