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                                            Fig. 1

950 PMC SYSTEM ALARM PC050 IOLINK  CH1 Show in fig. 1 

How to reset the PMC alarm PC050 IOLINK CH1 ?

You can solve the problem by fit JD1A connector  in operator panel side installed IO card , Show in fig. 3

1. If we will not fit the JD1A connector in operator panel side installed IO card then this type PC050 IOLINK CH1 ALARMS will come, Show in below fig. 2


2. If we will  fit the JD1A connector in operator panel side installed IO card then this type PC050 IOLINK CH1 ALARMS will not come, Show in below fig. 3

Fig. 3

3.  Operator panel side installed IO card fig. 4

Fig. 4

4.  Electrical panel side installed IO card fig. 5

Fig. 5